Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back from Camp, Back to School

Well, it is that time of year again, time to get ready for school as our vacation days are quickly disappearing. It's okay though. I have come to the realization that we weren't meant to just sit around all day. God intended us to work and to be fruitful. I have found things to keep me busy such as sewing and organizing my office but Brian is definitely getting bored. It is time to go back to school. We finished off the summer by going to church camp last week with about 50 others from our church, both campers and counselors. The camp is at Palomar Christian Conference Center just south of San Diego. It is a beautiful place on the top of Palomar mountain. It was literally in the line of fire last year when all the wild fires were down there but God spared the camp. The rest of the mountain burned but camp was not. While we were at camp, the director told the story of what happened and it was evident that God was watching over the camp because it should have been burned to the ground. It's incredible.

Well, we had a great week. It has been a while since I have been in that type of setting where I get to be with kids and be free in speaking about my faith. I loved it. I counseled 6 junior high girls with my friend, Monique. They were wonderful girls and it was fun to get to know them through the week. It was also fun to get to know Monique better. Brian counseled high school boys with his friend, Nate and he had a lot of fun, too, though, his week was a little more challenging, as high school boys can be. The campers come from CA and AZ and some of them come from rougher areas and so it can be tough to really get to know them on a personal level. But all the challenges, the kids, the sleep deprivation, the busy schedule was so worth it. It was neat to watch some of the campers go through a change during the week as they heard about God and his love and forgiveness for them. We both look forward to going back next year, Lord willing.

Until next time...

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