Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Off to the Fair

Well, tomorrow I get to go on one of the best field trips of the year. Mary (the band teacher at my school) and I are taking some of our performing groups and going to the Maricopa County Fair to perform. It is so much fun because the kids enjoy it and after performing, they get to run around at the fair for the rest of the day. Yes, they are with chaperones. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my choir students but when they are in a setting like the fair, they can get really crazy and so that is what chaperones are for and for them I am very, very, very grateful. :) Hopefully I will have pictures to post but there are no guarantees. Now that I think about it, there might be some legal thing against me posting pictures of my students so I probably won't show you any in the end. Maybe I will get some pictures of Mary and I in the animal barns or something. Anyway, this field trip always comes around in April. The students have been doing standardized tests all week so they are ready to get out and have fun at the fair. And I love going to the fair so it is a great mix. Well, I will let you know how it goes. And yes, I will be posting more about my trip to Connecticut. Thanks for being patient with me. Until next time....


Kari, RN said...

I can HARDLY wait to see you SOON! Just a few more days now!

Unknown said...

Hey Rondo! Love your CT pics of course. It was sooo good to see you--definitely does not happen enough. I am here to encourage you on behalf of myself and all your friends who don't get to see you enough, like Jorunn Hallaraker, to join facebook, now. Please!!! It is such a lovely, easy way to keep in touch. Ask Kari and your sister--they're both on there too. Ok, I've begged. I love you and miss you!

Eric, Maralee, & Baby S said...

Hello Rondo,

It's been a long time since HLA, but it sure is wonderful to catch a glimpse of what you're up to these days. Hopefully our paths will cross again before too long!
