Monday, January 28, 2008

School, school and more school

I just wanted to post a little update. If you couldn't figure it out by now, my posts happen when there is not much happening at school or I am on vacation. Right now is neither of those times but I just wanted to say a little something. School is very busy for both Brian and I. He is busy getting used to actually teaching (which he didn't do much of while substituting). He is also helping with the school musical so that will be taking much of his time very soon. It is such a joy to hear him talk about teaching. It definitely has its challenges for him but he is doing what he loves and you can just tell. I praise the Lord for bringing him to where he is at today. I am teaching my usual but getting ready for All State choir with 10 of my students and District Honor Choir with about 20 of my students plus just getting ready for the normal concerts. But this is a typical 3rd quarter. It gets twice as busy and flies by like crazy so before long we will be in May and I will be wondering where time went. Anyway, other than school not much is happening. It is the beautiful January weather of being a little cool (in the 50s and 60s :)) and we have had a lot of rain the past couple of days so we have been enjoying that. I also just wanted to let you know that we still have an an extra bedroom whenever any one wants to come to some warmer weather. :) Until next time..........


Kari, RN said...

Oh how I miss you! I've been thinking a lot about AZ lately (must be our cold weather and your warm weather!) and thinking how nice it would be to come visit you!

Thanks for the update and good luck with the busy-ness of school!

The Erickson Family said...

Fun to read the new post. Even if you just post about school, it's great to hear from you!

Tami said...

I just love that your cool winter weather is in the 50s and 60s!! How I long for the days of 50s and 60s! Or even 30s at this point!!!