Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Life after summer!

Well summer has been over for several weeks now. I just passed midterm for the first quarter of school and boy can I feel it. Things are very busy in life right now, mainly because of school. That is okay, however. I feel like I have my feet on the ground somewhat, as it is my second year teaching but there is still a lot that I am learning. I love what I get to do everyday, working with kids and learning how to connect with them. My choir kids are the days that I particularly look forward to because those students make the choice to be in choir and so have much better attitudes. I am so thankful that God opened the doors for me to be at my school. I remember when I went to the interview, I didn't think that I would actually end up at the school but God knew what I needed. I have so many blessings by being at my school. I don't know if I can truly express my joy in words but I'm sure you will understand. God has this amazing way of leading us where we need to go if we are just willing to follow. Speaking of which, it seems like a teaching job has opened up for Brian. It won't officially start until January but that is okay. Brian had applied for two other high school choir teacher positions but they didn't happen. He was kind of bummed after that but now this one has opened up and it is just two miles from our house. Again, God's provision. Well, other than work, which consumes a lot of our life, we do find time to relax. We went camping over Labor Day weekend with a bunch of friends up in northern Arizona. It was very relaxing to get out into fresh air and cooler weather. It only rained one night, too. Well, that was just an update on how life is going now that school started.


The Erickson Family said...

We need an update! We need an update! :o)

Nilsens said...

Hey Ronda!! Ronda? Ronnndddaaaa? Where are you? Hello? Heeellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....Yoohoo

Nilsens said...
